Hrvatski normativni dokument

HRN EN 12464-1:2021

Svjetlo i rasvjeta -- Rasvjeta radnih mjesta -- 1. dio: Unutrašnji radni prostori (EN 12464-1:2021)

Oznaka: HRN EN 12464-1:2021
Naslov (HR): Svjetlo i rasvjeta -- Rasvjeta radnih mjesta -- 1. dio: Unutrašnji radni prostori (EN 12464-1:2021)
Naslov (EN): Light and lighting -- Lighting of work places -- Part 1: Indoor work places (EN 12464-1:2021)
Područje primjene (EN): This document specifies lighting requirements for humans in indoor work places, which meet the needs for visual comfort and performance of people having normal, or corrected to normal ophthalmic (visual) capacity. All usual visual tasks are considered, including Display Screen Equipment (DSE).
This document specifies requirements for lighting solutions for most indoor work places and their associated areas in terms of quantity and quality of illumination. In addition, recommendations are given for good lighting practice including visual and non-visual (non-image forming) lighting needs. This document does not specify lighting requirements with respect to the safety and health of people at work and has not been prepared in the field of application of Article 169 of Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union although the lighting requirements, as specified in this document, usually fulfil safety needs.
NOTE Lighting requirements with respect to the safety and health of workers at work can be contained in Directives based on Article 169 of Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, in national legislation of member states implementing these directives or in other national legislation of member states.
This document neither provides specific solutions, nor restricts the designers' freedom from exploring new techniques nor restricts the use of innovative equipment. The illumination can be provided by daylight, electric lighting or a combination of both.
This document is not applicable for the lighting of outdoor work places and underground mining or emergency lighting. For outdoor work places, see EN 12464-2 and for emergency lighting, see EN 1838 and EN 13032-3.
Izdanje: 3
ICS: 91.160.10 Unutrašnja rasvjeta
Tehnički odbor/pododbor: TO 549, Svjetlo i rasvjeta
Oznaka faze: 60.60 - HRN dostupan
Glasilo (rasprava): 8/2019 ()
Glasilo (objava): 9/2021 ()
Način prihvaćanja: pr - prihvaćanje strane norme u izvorniku
Cijena #1: Jezik: en; Broj stranica: 118; Cjenovni razred: O; Cijena: 69,00 €
Izvornik: EN 12464-1:2021
Zamjenjuje: HRN EN 12464-1:2012

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