Hrvatski normativni dokument

HRN EN 301 549 V3.2.1:2021

Zahtjevi za osiguravanje pristupačnosti proizvoda i usluga u području IKT (EN 301 549 V3.2.1:2021)

Oznaka: HRN EN 301 549 V3.2.1:2021
Naslov (HR): Zahtjevi za osiguravanje pristupačnosti proizvoda i usluga u području IKT (EN 301 549 V3.2.1:2021)
Naslov (EN): Accessibility requirements for ICT products and services (EN 301 549 V3.2.1:2021)
Područje primjene (EN): The present document specifies the functional accessibility requirements applicable to ICT products and services, together with a description of the test procedures and evaluation methodology for each accessibility requirement in a form that is suitable for use in public procurement within Europe. The present document is intended to be used with Web based technologies, non-web technologies and hybrids that use both. It covers both software and hardware as well as services. It is intended for use by both providers and procurers, but it is expected that it will also be of use to many others as well.
The relationship between the present document and the essential requirements of Directive 2016/2102 on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies is given in Annex A.
The present document contains the necessary functional requirements and provides a reference document such that if procedures are followed by different actors, the results of testing are similar and the interpretation of those results is clear. The test descriptions and evaluation methodology included in the present document are elaborated to a level of detail compliant with ISO/IEC 17007:2009, so that conformance testing can give conclusive results.
Izdanje: 1
ICS: 53.080 Skladišna oprema
Tehnički odbor/pododbor: TO T4, Normizacija u telekomunikacijama
Oznaka faze: 60.60 - HRN dostupan
Glasilo (rasprava): HZN e-Glasilo 12/2020 ()
Glasilo (objava): HZN e-Glasilo 7/2021 ()
Glasilo (ispravak): HZN e-Glasilo 5/2022 ()
Način prihvaćanja: pr - prihvaćanje strane norme u izvorniku
Cijena #1: Cijena: 4,00 € | Jezik: en | Cjenovni razred: XZ | Broj stranica: 2
Izvornik: EN 301549:2021
Zamjenjuje: HRN EN 301 549 V3.1.1:2019
Direktiva/Uredba: (EU) 2016/2102

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