Hrvatski normativni dokument

HRN EN 520:2006

Gipsane ploče -- Definicije, zahtjevi i ispitne metode (EN 520:2004)

Oznaka: HRN EN 520:2006
Naslov (HR): Gipsane ploče -- Definicije, zahtjevi i ispitne metode (EN 520:2004)
Naslov (EN): Gypsum plasterboards -- Definitions, requirements and test methods (EN 520:2004)
Područje primjene (EN): This document specifies the characteristics and performance of gypsum plasterboards intended to be used in building construction works including those intended for secondary manufacturing operations. It includes boards designed to receive either direct surface decoration or gypsum plaster.
This document covers the following product performance characteristics: reaction to fire, water vapour permeability, flexural strength (breaking load), impact resistance and thermal resistance.
The following performance characteristics are linked to systems assembled with plasterboards: shear strength, fire resistance, impact resistance direct airborne sound insulation and acoustic absorption to be measured according to the corresponding European test methods. If required, tests should be done on assembled systems simulating the end use conditions.
This document covers also additional technical characteristics that are of importance for the use and acceptance of the product by the Construction Industry and the reference tests for these characteristics.
It provides for the evaluation of conformity of the product to this document.
This document does not cover plasterboards, which have been subject to any secondary manufacturing operations (e.g. insulating composite panels, plasterboards with thin lamination, etc.).

This document does not cover plasterboards, which have been subject to any secondary manufacturing operations (e.g. insulating composite panels, plasterboards with thin lamination, etc.).
Izdanje: 1
ICS: 01.040.91 Konstrukcijski materijali i gradnja (Rječnici)
91.100.10 Cement. Gips. Vapno. Mort
Tehnički odbor/pododbor: TO 518, Podovi, stropovi i zidne obloge
Oznaka faze: 95.99 - povlačenje HRN
Glasilo (rasprava): Glasilo DZNM 7-10/2002 ()
Glasilo (objava): HZN Glasilo 1/2006 ()
Glasilo (povlačenje): HZN Glasilo 2/2010 ()
Način prihvaćanja: pr - prihvaćanje strane norme u izvorniku
Cijena #1: Cijena: 50,00 € | Jezik: en | Cjenovni razred: J | Broj stranica: 54
Izvornik: EN 520:2004
Zamjenjena s: HRN EN 520:2010

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